The boxing shorts worn by Eder Jofre in his World Bantamweight Title fight against Katsutoshi Aoki in Tokyo 4th April 1963, sold with a Brazilian DVD chronicling his career (2) Eder Jofre was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 26th March 1936. The bantamweight enjoyed a spectacularly successful career winning 72 of his 78 fights between 1957 & 1976. This included no less than 50 KO's. The fight against Aoki was for the WBC and WBA titles. Jofre presented the shorts to the Brazilian sports journalist and writer Orlando Duarte.
Hammer Price:
Estimated Price:
£400 - £600
The boxing shorts worn by Eder Jofre in his World Bantamweight Title fight against Katsutoshi Aoki in Tokyo 4th April 1963, sold with a Brazilian DVD chronicling his career (2) Eder Jofre was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 26th March 1936. The bantamweight enjoyed a spectacularly successful career winning 72 of his 78 fights between 1957 & 1976. This included no less than 50 KO's. The fight against Aoki was for the WBC and WBA titles. Jofre presented the shorts to the Brazilian sports journalist and writer Orlando Duarte.